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Kathleen O. Kane, Ph.D.
Faculty Specialist
Director, OFDAS
Kathie Kane

As Director of the Office of Faculty Development and Academic Support since 2011, Dr. Kathleen Kane oversees multiple units, including the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) and the Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP). Kathie has been associated with the development of CTE since 1991 and FMP since 2003. Broadly, her responsibilities include extending and expanding support for faculty and TAs to continue to develop and thrive professionally in their teaching, research and service. 

Kathie earned a PhD in Political Science from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in 1994 and has taught in Political Science and Women's Studies as an affiliate faculty, with a focus on the intersections of theory, aesthetics, memory and film.

More recently, Kathie has focused on the concept of Space Matters, a movement towards agility in education—as in educational spaces—as a response to more immersive, more engaged opportunities to teach and learn. More complex than the design of an agile physical environment is how to align agile design with agility in teaching and learning, schedules, curriculum, and subsequent demands on faculty development. As such, she has been deeply involved in the development of transformative environments such as Sakamaki Innovation Zone, Webster 101 Collaborative Classroom, the upcoming new Dean 104 Cultural Lab in spring 2021, and a number of classroom improvements in buildings across Mānoa campus.

To contact our staff, email: fmp@hawaii.edu

OFDAS 30 Years

Faculty Mentoring Program
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Honolulu HI 96822 USA

UH Manoa