Friday, July 6, 2018




Kuykendall 106 Events Room


Summer Dossier Series

Sponsored by:

Faculty Mentoring Program


Building Your Future:
The Art of Creating an Effective Curriculum Vitae

Presented by:
Ariana Eichelberger, PhD
Department of Learning Design and Technology

This workshop will focus on the structural as well as aesthetic characteristics that can make your CV work for you. We will begin by critiquing a number of sample CVs to identify strengths and weaknesses.

We will cover:

• Ways to streamline your CV

• Tips on what to avoid when preparing your CV

• Academic CV styles

Please Note: This series is for Mānoa faculty who are preparing for contract renewal, promotion and tenure

Please register as space is limited.

Register me

OFDAS 30 Years

Faculty Mentoring Program
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Honolulu HI 96822 USA

UH Manoa